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Fatal work-related accident from tire explosion kills man, 37

On Behalf of | Feb 28, 2019 | High Risk Occupations |

Workers in California who are tasked with operating heavy machinery, being around large vehicles, handling complex tools, and completing difficult tasks will put themselves in harm’s way simply due to the nature of the job. Even when all the necessary precautions are taken, there can still be work accidents in high risk occupations. Unlike many jobs where a work accident does not run a significant risk of severe injuries, those who work in occupations with major risk can suffer catastrophic injuries and death.

An understated job related to air safety is the ground crew. These workers must make sure that planes – private and airliners – are in shape to fly and land. Part of that is ensuring the tires are fully inflated and in working shape. There are also tires on equipment at the airport when attaching the jet bridge to the plane. When filling up any tire, there is a chance of it exploding. These can cause injuries and death. One such incident resulted in a worker being killed in California.

The accident happened at around 11:30 p.m. when contractors at an airport were working on a plane tire and it exploded. The tire measures approximately 4-feet. While two workers were doing their jobs with the tire, it blew up and led to severe injuries to one of the men, 37. After the explosion, fire alarms were activated and sprinklers sprayed water. The fire department came to the scene as did paramedics who are working at the airport. The man was declared dead. The other worker did not need medical care. An investigation into the incident is being conducted by the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA).

Families who have lost a loved one in a work-related accident will have many issues to navigate, inlcuding funeral costs and lost income from the loved one who died. Additionally, there will be the emotional and personal impact to get through. Often, insurers might try to make a settlement offer to preclude a potentially more expensive claim. This is rarely sufficient to cover all that was lost, but people might accept it without realizing the costs they will face in the short and long-term after the fatality. A law firm dedicated to helping workers and their families is beneficial to filing a wrongful death case.