Workers in California and across the nation might not think about the possibility of being injured in an accident on the job when they head to work. This is true no matter what kind of job they do whether it is high risk or not. Accidents, however, can happen without warning and leave a person with broken bones, head injuries, back injuries, cuts and more. It is also possible for physical issues or conditions to arise over time. Researchers and government agencies often examine these incidents to assess how they happen and take steps to reduce their frequency. One recent statistical analysis should be a warning to female workers as to the dangers they face when working.
The National Safety Council says that females are impacted by various dangers when on the job. That includes workplace assaults at a troubling rate. Women are also at a higher risk for other workplace accidents with varying causes. Regarding nonfatal assaults in the workplace, 70 percent that led to missed days on the job happened to females. There were more that 12,800 of these incidents in 2017. That was a rise of 60 percent since 2011. More than 5,500 men were assaulted on the job in 2017.
Women were also more prone to suffer workplace injuries for other reasons. 59 percent suffered injury because of another person; 57 percent were injured in falls; and 61 percent had repetitive motion injuries. There were specific job types that had a substantial number of nonfatal work injuries and conditions. 80 percent of injuries and illnesses in healthcare affected women; in education, it was 61 percent; and in financial, business and management, it was 60 percent.
These statistics should be worrisome to women regardless of what kind of job they have. Since a work accident, incident or illness can cause extensive problems in a person’s life including medical costs, lost wages and the inability to get back to doing the same job, it is imperative to understand the steps to take in the aftermath. A law firm experienced in assisting people with getting compensation for their workplace injuries can help whether there were impact injuries, repetitive injuries, a condition or an illness.