When you sustain an injury on the job, the natural reaction is to file for workers’ compensation to help you afford medical treatment. However, it can be difficult to prove that your injury is work-related if the cause is a repetitive strain or repetitive motion.
The state of California recognizes a condition to be a workplace injury if the nature of your work is a contributing cause to that injury. You can protect your rights to compensation by knowing how to prove when your job contributes to a serious injury.
Be aware of contributing causes
The California Code of Regulations states that an employer must deem an injury to be work-related if the job or work environment contributes to an injury or aggravates a pre-existing condition. This can apply to repetitive strain injuries which can build up over the course of both your work and personal life. Jobs that involve lifting with your back, operating vibrating machinery, or typing on a keyboard can all contribute to physical stress conditions.
Know what evidence to collect
Your employer might try to deny your workers’ compensation claim unless you can provide evidence that your condition is work-related. Consulting with a doctor and receiving a diagnosis that specifies tasks that can worsen your condition is a great first step. You might also start keeping accurate records of how much time you spend performing contributing motions and collecting testimony from your coworkers.
You deserve to receive workers’ compensation for an injury that occurs at work, even if your job is not the sole contributing cause to your condition. Being aware of your rights and the evidence at your disposal is the best way to make sure you get the financial support you need.