Sciatica, a pain that originates in the vertebrae of the spine and causes an electric shock or burning pain that typically runs down the back of the leg and into the foot, can be caused by your job. Research shows that a single traumatic event at work can cause this...
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Workplace Injuries
The five most dangerous occupations
Almost any occupation in California poses at least some risk of on-the-job injury to employees. Some occupations pose more of a risk than others. Listed below are the top five high-risk occupations based on information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Census...
How to avoid getting hurt while working in wet conditions
It isn't uncommon for significant amounts of precipitation to fall in San Jose and throughout California during the spring months. Therefore, there is a chance that you may work in wet, slippery or otherwise sloppy conditions. Fortunately, there are several steps that...
Getting back your lost income after an injury
When it comes to paying the bills, the fact is that even when you're injured, all those bills you paid before will continue to come in. The financial toll (especially if he or she is single) that a person can experience after sustaining an injury is immense. Not only...
How to avoid forklift accidents in California
Forklifts were built to make our lives easier. But if they're not used properly, they can cause injuries and even fatalities in the workplace. According to a recent study, nearly 10% of forklifts are involved in a death or injury every year. That doesn't just include...
Falling deaths on construction sites are increasing
While federal safety rules have been put in place to prevent workers from falling to their deaths, studies have shown that the amount of falling deaths have actually increased in recent years. Falling hazards can cause death as well as permanent injuries like chronic...
OSHA guidelines for maintenance employees
Founded in 1971, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requires that all work areas be safe for employees, including maintenance workers. A maintenance employee in California commonly performs routine checks and repairs at facilities and the...
Minimizing workplace hazards for welders
Welding is a job that presents numerous hazards to workers in California each year. Workers on welding jobs can minimize these risks by adhering to the safety measures put in place for their protection. Proper training, equipment inspection and worker safety training...
Workers most at risk for occupational hearing loss
A report from the Centers for Disease Control reveals that loss of hearing is among the most common workplace illnesses in California and throughout the nation. More than 20 million workers in the United States face noise levels at work that are loud enough to damage...
Registered nurses are at a high risk for workplace injuries
Registered nurses in California are some of the hardest working people in medicine, providing important and critical care for their communities. They are often the middle people between doctors and patients, communicating critical information and making sure that...